Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day One!

Well, after a 2 hour drive, 3 hour wait, 1 hour flight, 30 minute dash through the airport, second 8 hour flight, second 1 hour wait... we’re here!

Actually, we've been here pretty much a whole day, and so far on the first day I’ve taken in three very important characteristics about this gorgeous, green country that differ from the good ole’ U.S. of A:

1. Teeny-weeny cars!
The biggest car I’ve seen (excepting delivery vans, buses and the like) has been a Range Rover. We were picked up in “the biggest car they (being our relatives Frank and Kay) could borrow”… which was a 5-seater hatchback. But it makes sense to have teeny-weeny cars because there are itty-bitty roads. Also, people drive on the wrong/left/non-right side of the road.

2. Words! Funny words!
We took the “lift” (elevator) at the airport! We “posted” (mailed) letters! I can’t wait to buy an Irish “jumper” (sweater) tomorrow! Yay new slang!

3. Fancy-schmancy buildings!
Forget those suburban neighborhoods that get built in a week because all the houses look cheap and exactly the same. Houses and other buildings are made with brick, stone, stucco and brightly colored paint. Rather than fences there are low stone walls around estates, with wrought-iron gates instead of chain-link. The pride in the construction extends to the pride in the house – outside the driveway of almost every house is a sign proclaiming the name of the home or the family that lives in it.

Also, Uncle Frank and Aunt Kay (who aren’t really my uncle and aunt but it is way too complicated to figure out how they are actually related to me, so I’ll just call them Uncle Frank and Aunt Kay) are super nice/cute/talk in cool accents. Frank officially qualifies for Cute Old Man status. And they keep trying to shove more food/tea down our throats in the cutest, nicest way possible.

Tonight’s dinner consisted of:
First course: sliced melon appetizer and gin & tonic
Second course: salmon, broccoli, potatoes and wine
Dessert course: sliced strawberries, fresh cream and Irish whiskey liquor

The other main thing pervading through this day is massive jet lag. So, good night from the Emerald Isle!

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