Saturday, August 29, 2009

Worship at the Temple

(Temple Bar District that is.)

My first Temple Bar experience actually came from The Auld Dubliner bar (pub), where we wandered in after hearing loud, raucous music seeping out the doorway. Once inside, we were overwhelmed by the musical stylings of Brian Brody, who played old Irish ditties accompanied by the many Irish folk in the bar, singing/screaming along with the fervor of crazed rugby fans. They knew ALL the words to ALL the songs. We did not.

In addition to Irish tunes such as “sad to say I must be on my way, so buy me beer and whiskey 'cause I'm going far away,” and “she’s handsome, she’s pretty, she’s the belle of Belfast city” Brian (who has a great name!) also played such classics as Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire,” John Denver’s “Country Road,” Something-or-other’s “Leaving on a Jet Plane,” and some other ones which I have forgotten in the 30 minutes it took to get home. During the country songs, Brian called out to the pub for the audience to provide some “yeehaws,” which my father was only too happy to enthusiastically yell out.

Regardless of the song’s origin, Irish or American, there was much singing along, which got louder and louder as more drinks were consumed. A good/drunk time was had by all!

So for now my future plans include many weekends at The Auld Dubliner, where I will learn all the words to all the pub songs and become best friends with Brian Brody’s (beautiful) girlfriend whom I smiled at tonight as I squeezed past to go to the ladies room. She said “there you go, love” as she moved aside. So what I’m saying is we are pretty much besties already. And when it’s official we will sing/scream together along to all the Irish ditties.

In other news: On the DART tram home there were two men wearing security-style belts and vests that proclaimed RAIL SECURITY (Michael Mohr?). Do with that what you will.


1 comment:

  1. YE OULD DUBLINER! SUCH A GOOD PLACE! supaa expensive, those 6 EURO pints of burr will get you. :) but worth it, and the actual "Temple Bar" is worse.
