Tuesday, September 1, 2009

awkward in-between time

It is orientation week and it is awkward, as only orientation can be.

But tomorrow we finally get to move into UCD, and I couldn’t be more excited. I am ready to get settled in – and especially to finally be done living out of a suitcase! Hooray!

I am starting to figure out where things are and how to get around, which makes me feel very mature/urbane/cool/not touristy. Today myself and some other ladies managed to get on the right bus, get off at the right stop, locate and purchase phone plans for Ireland, get (a delicious bagel) dinner and return home on the right bus. While that might not sound like a lot, the bus system in Dublin is quite complex and we were quite impressed with ourselves. I’m excited about using this complex bus system to further explore Dublin. There are so many more museums I want to visit and things I want to experience, including but not limited to:
a)The Dublin Writer’s Museum
b)A literary pub crawl
c)CSI Experience (my obsession with CSI is shared here in Ireland – in fact, I am watching CSI as I type this!)
d)The James Joyce Center
e)A tour of Guinness Storehouse
f)The Irish Museum of Modern Art

I guess what I'm most excited about is making this city "mine." After this semester, I will always be able to remember/talk about/reminisce over "when I lived in Dublin." Which I love, because it sounds/is way cooler than "when I lived in Jackson" (no offense Jackson) or "when I lived in Utah" (no offen... well, Utah kind of deserves it). The little hole-in-the-wall pub, the one particular park bench that fits my butt better than any other, the best place to spend Sunday reading, the corner of the library where I suffer through the papers - these are the things that will make Dublin my city.


  1. I appreciate that the labels here are "awkward, bagel, bus"- how very Leenie of you! Have your parents left now? I MISS YOU!

  2. Ahh a pub crawl is a must!

    BUT you have to go to the CHESTER BEATTY museum in Dublin.. seriously it is incredible. I saw the Egyptian book of the dead and the oldest manuscript of the Bible! DONT MISS THIS ITS THE SHIT AND FREE!

    on another note, I love and miss you here. Hope post-orientation goes well!
