Sunday, September 20, 2009


As of yesterday, the 19th, I have been in Ireland for exactly one month.

One month ago, my parents and I first went to O’Connell Street, to catch the hop-on, hop-off tour to officially start our Irish adventure. It was so foreign then, the buildings and streets and stores unfamiliar. To go there now is a completely different experience. I know the bus to take to get there, exactly where it will stop off, which side streets to take to get to the grocery stores and famers market, which places sell school supplies and which places sell cheap clothes. I know which direction to walk to get to Grafton Street, Temple Bar, Trinity College. I know the sights, the smells, the sounds.

Dublin and I are getting to know each other.

In other news: Two weeks of school in. One week behind. Many things to read this week!

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