Tuesday, September 8, 2009

a whole week!

So lots of exciting, mundane, interesting, inebriated, cheesy, strange and awkward things have happened in the past week. (But I’ll try to stick to the exciting, interesting ones.)

For one thing, I will never again complain about Millsaps registration (Millsaps financial aid, for sure, but not registration). UCD registration for study abroad arts students makes Millsaps look like a well-oiled machine. I’m still not fully registered, and we’re two days into the semester.

But I do have some classes, and when you put them all together they kind of add up to “How to Write a Children’s Book 101” – they include Hero Tales, Myth and Legend in Irish Literature, Other Worlds in Medieval Literature, Irish Literature in English (…and Paradise Lost, which doesn’t fit as well with the children’s book theme).

For example, on Monday we spent an entire 50-minute class (it was the Other Worlds class) talking about monsters. Which. Is. Awesome.

So basically what I’m saying is, after this semester I will be fully prepared to write the next Harry Potter and become widely acclaimed, rich and famous. And then I will buy an adorable little Irish apartment with an adorable little Georgian door and be able to come back to Dublin whenever I want. And I’ll probably buy lots of new clothes, including many be-sequined things, which are all the rage here. Seriously, I’ve never seen so many sparkly clothes. I plan to return to the states with many fabulous bedazzled things added to my life. Possibly/probably including fully sequined floral leggings. Yes, you read that right. FULLY SEQUINED FLORAL LEGGINGS.

If only I had my sequined/bedazzled/neon dress/skirt/leggings already, I could have worn it this weekend, when one of my housemates turned 21 (a bit anticlimactic here since the drinking age is 18). Where did we celebrate this momentous occasion, you ask? None other than ThunderRoad, the biggest and most obnoxious tribute to Americana that I have ever seen. Paraphernalia includes:
a)giant American-flag sculptural artsy thing on ceiling
b)giant eagle sculptural artsy thing on ceiling next to the flag
c)life-size wooden Native American greeting you at the door
d)American baseball and football flags displayed everywhere
e)3-dimensional Mount Rushmore painting/sculpture on one wall
f)giant Statue of Liberty, wearing an American flag
g)huge screens playing music videos of Bruce Springsteen, Journey, the Eagles, etc
h)bikes, bikers, license plates, road signs, tat signs, pleather
i)plastic tiger print tablecloths

Needless to say, it was quite the place. But it is what the Birthday Girl wanted, and its what she got (it did have free birthday ice cream, so there you go.)

Upcoming posts may or may not cover the exciting topics of:
Things I cook! (A fried egg sandwich being the highest achievement so far.)
Things I wish I could cook but can’t! (Pretty much everything else.)
Things I read for class! (Beowulf is up first.)
Things I read for fun! (Ulysses, since I couldn’t get into the class on it, and the Irish Times.)
Things I buy! (Have I mentioned FULLY SEQUINED FLORAL LEGGINGS?)
Things I want to buy but don’t! (Everything over approximately 10 euro.)

But not pictures since apparently neither blogspot nor facebook want me to share my photographic genius with the world.



  1. give me sequin floral leggingsssssssssssss

  2. Damn I want pictures of ThunderRoad. It sounds like it belongs in Corinth for sure.

    One can certainly never be-sequined enough.
