Saturday, November 14, 2009

to market, to market

So in most of the cities we've gone to - Galway, Cork, etc. - the laylies and I have always tried to check out the weekend markets. Each one is different and features delicious foodz, homemade crafty things and fun art. Yet in almost three months, I still hadn't been to any Dublin markets. UNTIL NOW. And my life has been drastically improved since experiencing it.

All the markets of the day were in the Temple Bar area, where they run every Saturday, regardless of weather. The first one we (Kendra and I) came upon was the book market (and we all know how I feel about books, don't we?). There were several booths with new and old books, records and cds. Some highlights included The Cat Lover's Pocket Bible, Now That's What I Call Music 8 on vinyl (what???), and the UK edition of Northern Lights/The Golden Compass (I came thisclose to buying it despite the TWO U.S. copies I have at home...).

Next up we were on the hunt for yummy foodies. We easily found the fruit and veg stands, but spent a bewildered few minutes wondering if that was it (it wasn't much). So we kind of just wandered around until somehow we stumbled through an alleyway and tapped the correct pattern of bricks behind the Leaky Cauldron - uh, I mean turned a corner - and found ourselves surrounded by homemade deliciousness of all kinds. We then proceeded to make between two and five laps of all the booths, basically drooling on ourselves and everything else. The smells! The sights! Breads, crepes, rotisseries, lamb skewers, noodles... Mediterranean, Indian, American... Delish. Since we are both completely incapable of making such a serious decision as what to have for lunch, we decided to dwell on it while checking out the artsy part of the market.

There we wandered among jewelry (so many pretty and funky silver rings, especially loved the ones made out of antique spoons), knitted goods, clothes, paintings/photographs and SCARVES. At which point my willpower broke down and I purchased a GORGEOUS orange, gold and black pashmina with a peacock design. I plan to wear it every day for the rest of my life.

Back to foodies! After three more laps and lots more drool/indecision, lunch was finally purchased. Mine was a barbeque angus burger (burgers being another one of my great loves) on a delicious baked roll thing, and hot apple cider with a shot of apple brandy! YUM. Kendra ate rice and curry with the same to drink.

After exhausting the Temple markets we wandered through vintage shops and fun stores around George's St. and Grafton St. before returning home full and happy.

Next week: PARIS!!!! Eeeeeeeee!!!!
After that: Belfast!!! Oooooohhh!!!
After that: Studying. Oh.
After that: Brian gets here!!!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHhhhhhhh!!!

1 comment:

  1. Markets sounds absolutely fabulous! I wish we could trade Kroger in...
