Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Top Chef Dublin

Tonight's dinner:
canned tuna (that I wrestled out through a tiny hole cut with a knife - the can opener is broken) on crackers (my bread was moldy, threw it out this morning) with a side of the BIGGEST can of pineapple bits (this one had a pop top thingy, thank God) I've ever seen.


In other news, I think I only have one more day of classes.

"But Kathleen, classes don't end until November 27th, surely you are mistaken?"

Ahh yes, but I don't have classes on Wednesdays, I am leaving this Thursday for Paris and therefore missing the one class I have Thursday and Friday. Then next week there is a University-wide strike to protest budget costs on Tuesday, and I'm leaving Thursday for Belfast (again, Thursday and Friday classes getting nixed). So that leaves just next Monday. Whoops. What's up, exam week?

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