Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am a Blog Failure

So, according to Tayto I have not updated in two weeks and one day. And I feel bad about this. My reasons (excuses) for this terrible lapse include:

1. I went to Paris. And then peed my pants about it a lot.
2. I went to Belfast. Not so much pants-peeing, but still really cool.
3. I had to write a 10-page paper.
4. I had to rest my brain after writing said paper.
5. I had to write an article for Molly.
6. I had a lot of online tv (i.e. Glee) to watch.
7. I am a horrible journal keeper and apparently blogs fall into that category. At least I'm consistent.
8. I had to keep procrastinating on my 5 grad school applications, including the 10 or 11 essays. Ugh.

Okay, that's enough of that. I promise to have a real update tomorrow and will try to be updated by the end of the week!! After all, I have some exams to procrastinate studying for...

(Just kidding Mom and Dad).

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