Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cork, etc

So since some people (Taylor) have asked (repeatedly) to see the amazing fully sequined floral leggings, here is a picture:

Its not the best picture, but I didn't carry a camera that night and its the only one I have... for now. Just know they are much better in person.(Also, that's my friend Susan wearing tights as pants.)

Also, we went to Cork this past weekend! It was a fun, short visit where IFSA treated us to a SWANK hotel and I never wanted to get out of bed-slash-wanted to ship it home to sleep in every night.

One cool thing we did was climb to the top of this church in the center of town to ring these famous bells (we played "Three Blind Mice," although other options included "Final Countdown" and "Died in Your Arms Tonight") and see AWESOME views of the whole town. The only thing that wasn't great about it was the climb involved MORE creepy, super steep, narrow-as-hell, claustrophobic stone stairs. I had flashbacks to Blarney and didn't like it. But the view was worth it:

Also, we had to wear these awesome noise-blocking headphones because the bells were so loud when you were right next to them. Styyyylish:

It was also the Guinness Cork Jazz Festival, which is the real reason we went there. Lots of music and fun:

Fun fact: Guinness is basically the sponsor of life here in Ireland. Jazz festivals, rugby championships, pub crawls, even hospitals. Guinness is everywhere. Oh, and I can drink it now!! After some practice, I have acclimated to the taste and even (gasp!) kind of like it.

1 comment:

  1. A thousand thank yous for the photos :-) The pants are every bit as glorious as I had imagined. Perhaps MORE glorious. I wants.
