Saturday, October 17, 2009


I'm getting pretty bad at keeping up this whole blog thing. I always do this with journals too - I start one every couple of years and write in it for some length of time, sometimes a month, sometimes 5 months, but inevitably I ALWAYS stop. The entries get fewer and further between and then eventually stop. I actually brought a journal to Dublin too... and I've written in it all of six times. I don't like that trait about me. Almost all my life I've wanted to be a writer, so why do I forget to write??

Anyway, I haven't had much to blog about lately. I've hit that point in the semester where things are starting to be due and I just DON'T want to do them. In fact, I'd rather do almost anything BUT my homework.

Senioritis: I have it.

But I did win a t-shirt in a literary pub crawl quiz last week! Whoo!

AND I finally bought the fully sequined floral leggings!!!! and wore them out to the clubs last night!!!!
(Yes, they were a big hit.)

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